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At the beginning of 1994 I was responsible for the further development and promotion of the product "shopping cart conveyor". This product had long been the core product of the company in which I now worked. The shopping cart conveyors were developed in the late 1978s and a patent application was filed in this period.

The product "shopping cart conveyors" was soon given the catchy brand name "VERMAPORT", a partial word combination of the terms :


VERbraucher (clients)

MArkt (department store)
TransPORTanlage (conveyor)



Yes, it was and is a niche product, but there are installations all over the world.

At the time I took over the further development, the Vermaports were delivered and installed in the design state corresponding to the spirit of the times.

Patent Einkaufswagenförderer
Patent Einkaufswagenförderer
Shopping Cart Cconveyor, brand name  VERMAPORT
part view down Vermaport Kmart (West-Orange, NJ, USA)

In the following years, especially from the mid-1990s, the "outfit" was significantly modified and the electrical system of the conveyors was changed from conventional technology to microcomputer control.


In addition, instead of a "white" cladding, stainless steel was used and thus a modern conveyor system was created which makes it easy for us as customers to take the shopping cart to all floors in multi-storey supermarkets or shopping centers.

During the period in which I was responsible, the Vermaport shopping cart conveyors were manufactured in modern production facilities, and for the final acceptance the machines were set up on a test stand in such a way that exactly the same condition was achieved as for later use in supermarkets or department stores.

The product was regularly presented and promoted at trade shows, such as the former EuroShop.

Fertigungshalle Teststand
Endkontrolle am Teststand
bei allen Projekten war ich dabei !
bei allen Projekten war ich dabei !

Teilansicht Montagehalle, zertifizierte Fertigung
Teilansicht Montagehalle, zertifizierte Fertigung
VERMAPORT Fertigungsstätte bei Vertragspartner, im Norden von NRW
VERMAPORT Fertigungsstätte bei Vertragspartner, im Norden von NRW

As already mentioned, Vermaports are a niche product, but there are installations all over the world, starting from the Europa Passage in Hamburg, Germany, or the Target stores in the USA, up to the Century-Square in Singapore.


When Vermaport was introduced at Target stores in California, San Diego, La Mesa it was even worth "the TV" to report about it.




Europa-Passage Hamburg 2006 Budnikowsky Eröffnung
alles fertig, es geht loss, Budnikowsky Hamburg
Europa-Passage Hamburg 2006 Budnikowsky Eröffnung
zur Eröfffnung ein Souvenier, coffee cup Budnikowsky Hamburg

Cart Conveyor Target San Diego, La Mesa
Cart Conveyor Target San Diego, La Mesa
Einkaufswagenförderer bei Target Strores USA
Einkaufswagenförderer bei Target Strores USA

I had the opportunity to be there at the start-up in many places, and it was always somehow a pleasure to be in many countries.

Yes, back in 1995 it started with VERMAPORT in America, and occasionally I just did what everyone did, a portrait on the opening mug.

As mentioned above, the product was introduced at major trade shows. Here is an impression from the EuroShop Düsseldorf 2008.

EuroShop Düsseldorf 2008
EuroShop Düsseldorf 2008

VERMAPORTs bei Fegro-Selgros. Würzburg
Vermaports in einem Großhandel in Deutschland
VERMAPORTs bei Target Stores Oakland, CF, USA
Vermaports bei Target Stores Oakland, CA

My area of responsibility also included logistics. The impatience of some customers has even made it so that completely finished Vermaports had to be brought to their destination by air freight (747 freighter), and it was almost normal to organize to "float" the products over open roofs into large buildings and / or shopping malls.


So, boredom or standstill has never existed in professional life.

Vermaport Verladung auf Cargolux Boeing 747-8 Freighter
Vermaport Verladung auf Cargolux Boeing 747-8 Freighter
Vermaport Gebäudeeinbringung am Mobilkran
Vermaport Gebäudeeinbringung am Mobilkran